![]() CRUSHED is officially released! http://amzn.to/1uxcCw2 Available at: Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Kobo Unfortunately I haven't figured out iBook formatting yet, and Google Play won't let me set my own prices, so it's not available on either of those two platforms. Haven't read CRACKED yet? Only $2.99 on Amazon for Kindle (http://amzn.to/XMrcoD) & Smashwords for other formats (http://ebook-affiliate-systems.com/books/view/477549)
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GUYS BIG NEWS--I got back the rights to Cracked and Crushed THIS MORNING! Do you know what this means?
Operation Free Meda is a go! The official release date will be September 22nd (I need a couple weeks to get my ducks in a row--formatting for ebooks, figuring out the covers, arranging the blog tour and whatnot). I'll be releasing an ecopy of both Cracked and Crushed (also, as a side note, Angry Robot will only be selling print copies of Cracked until December, after which they will no longer be available--so if you want one, get it soon!) To all the bloggers who were awesome enough to offer to be part of my blog tour: first off, thanks. I love you. Seriously. Secondly, you’ll be getting an email from me soon to talk details and schedule. And lastly, I know it’s really short notice, so please, please don’t feel obligated to squish me in if you already have a full schedule. I appreciate your even offering. In conclusion: WOO-HOOOOOO!!! Tell your friends, tell your enemies, tell your mom: MEDA IS COMING. |
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